Screening of “Save PolyU” 《紅磚危城》

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  222 views       2021-11-22 22:25:33

Host: Hong Kong Democracy & Human Rights Association at UW

In the eve of the 2nd anniversary of the siege of Hong Kong Polytechnic University during HK democratic protests in November of 2019, HKDHRA at UW will host a film screening of "Save PolyU"《紅磚危城》, an award-winning documentary filmed & produced by journalists & HK Citizen News, directed by Hoi Kit Cheung. Date: Tues, November 16th, 2021 Time: 7pm PST, doors open Location: Alder Auditorium, University of Washington The documentary is about 1 hour in length. There will be post-screening activities as well, we encourage participants to stay afterward to learn more about the current dire situations in Hong Kong, and engage in conversation with other attendees, students, Hongkongers, and people who are concerned about HK. The screening is open to the public and all UW members, family are welcome to come but please advise of the film rating. Seating is general admission, no registration is needed but space is limited. The event will be held in person with UW campus Covid policy strictly enforced, please check website for more details. As visitor of campus, face mask must be worn at all times. The entry admission for this screening is by donation, in support of HKDHRA and the filmmaker. We welcome your support as this will be the first of many films to come for our HK Film Screening Series. If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to reach out to us via social media/email.

About the film: 反修例運動來到11月中,似乎來到最高點,理工大學一役成為反修例運動中最驚心動魄的衝突。示威者發起三罷和堵塞行動,警方選擇驅散其中被堵塞的紅磡海底隧道,示威者退到理大,警方則徹底包圍及封鎖整個校園,等待搜捕時機。在外的市民心急如焚,嘗試靠近救援又苦無對策,而優雅的紅色磚牆內,紀錄下的鏡頭盡是籠罩黑暗恐怖的氣氛,四面楚歌,除了想辦法離開、躲藏,能做的就只有等待,一如香港人在極權統治下的縮影,被困者、抗爭者、香港人究竟如何才能逃出生天? PolyU, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the campus buildings with its iconic red brick exteriors, withstood an unprecedented campus protest upheaval in November 2019. Police fired flash grenades against university buildings, a mother determined to enter the besieged campus to save her daughter…… the rare battlefield footage is revealed for the first time. Frontline journalists recorded at first hand the fiercest clashes between police and protesters as well as the people’s unwavering resolve of breaking out from the smoke filled campus, witnessed a large number of people getting wounded and cleansing bare flesh, all resembling the view of a disaster scene, as well as experienced the will power of those in the campus tumbling from the peak of zeal to the valley of despair. The PolyU siege of 13 days accounted for the mass arrests of over one thousand people. Inside the campus, many tried to break free from the lockdown, abseiling, crawling in the sewage, crawling on the railroad, sleeping in sub-ceiling, food supply shortage, all induced a humanitarian crisis. Outside the campus, thousands from various districts in the city joint forces single-mindedly to come to the rescue but the efforts were to no avail, a human stampede also occurred in Yau Ma Tei, hundreds ended up being charged with rioting. “Why is the university turned into a war zone?” What is left behind after the siege?

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